Pole dance som gravid?
Mød vores instruktør Inga, som under sin graviditet både træner pole dance samt underviser i pole dance! Vi har inviteret Inga til en hudløs ærlig snak om, hvordan det er at træne pole dance, når man er gravid, hvilke reaktioner der kommer fra omverdenen, hvilke udfordringer Inga oplever ved at træne pole dance som gravid og meget mere.
Da Inga taler engelsk, vil resten af dette blog indlæg denne gang være på engelsk)
How do you train pole dance during your pregnancy?
“Recently I hit the 5 month mark and during the last month I felt that my trainings are different and need slight adjustments. Before pregnancy I used to train 3-5 days a week, and I felt like I was in my best shape I have ever been, but the first 3 months of pregnancy were very hard as I was exhausted all the time! I believe, I was down to 2 days a week of actual training.
The first change in my training was back-bending and I quite early noticed how challenging it has become, so I began avoiding them. I still stretch my back and shoulders, but to the point I feel comfortable to do so.”
“I was assured that training is not just safe but a recommendation”
“Besides me getting heavier and less graceful (that’s how I feel), I haven’t particularly avoided certain exercises or tricks on a pole. I even got more guts to learn and do tumbles! I heard (& read) so much about what should I avoid while pregnant, but after consulting with a midwife, I was assured that training is not just safe but a recommendation. I know my body and I know this sport. At the moment, I am back to training 3-4 days a week and in general am trying to be as active as I can.
I am just being careful and now that my bump is growing so rapidly, I either adjust or leave it for later (after birth) to try again. I should also add, that I am very lucky for my body as I haven’t experienced any pains or had concerns related to pole dance trainings. I just get tired faster. So, as long as it feels right and doesn’t hurt – I will continue training for as long as I can. Though, I might need to implement more changes soon“
What reactions do you get from your surroundings, when they see you are pregnant and still train pole dance?
“I feel that pole dance community is very accepting and people just congratulate me on the pregnancy. Here, I feel support and I hope I get to inspire others. Pole dance makes people incredibly strong! So, I usually just get questions how long I am planning to teach/train pole dance and how it is going with the pregnancy.
On the other hand, from family and friends – I get various reactions! It’s a mix of worries and surprise. I heard comments how I shouldn’t overwork myself and be careful, but I also received a lot of positive feedback that it’s impressive to do what I do while I am pregnant. If anyone wonders – the baby is fine and doesn’t get hurt while I am pole dancing “
How were your thoughts on your pregnancy due to pole training compared to how it has been so far?
“In the beginning, I was a little concerned, because I wasn’t sure whether my body can handle long enough. I was also anxious what is safe to train pole dance and what’s not, but as my pregnancy progressed – worries and doubts disappeared. I dreamt of doing handsprings (a pole move) until the very end and I saw so many pregnant women on Instagram doing pole dance – it really inspired me to carry on. While I understand that my journey can and is different to many others, but I still check in on my handspring (a pole move) progress weekly and I still got it!
However, I wasn’t mentally prepared for my body changes and some days I still really struggle to accept it. Before even getting to the pole, I’d get angry that I am too heavy to do this or that, but then I try and I can?! It might not be as elegant and my transitions aren’t as smooth, but I am just happy I can still do something and somehow (safe!). And despite the odds, learn new moves. I have come to realization that a woman’s body is this incredible vessel, almost indestructible. It is mind blowing that I am growing a human being inside me, whom I will have to birth and later – feed. If my body can do all this work, pole seems like and easy (ok, maybe not so easy) task to do. I used to be afraid of a lot pole dance tricks, but now I cannot wait until I will be able to work on flips and fonji.“
Do you have any tips or advice to other women about pole dance training and pregnancy?
“I’d like to address all women that it is never too late to start training pole dance, so if you are thinking about it – go for it! It’s for everyone and while it can be hard, in the end it’s very rewarding. It teaches body awareness, makes you strong and helps to gain confidence. Most importantly – you will meet a lot of like-minded people and have fun!
If you are a pregnant pole dancer, there is no need to worry, so continue your favorite training. However, it can be very difficult in the beginning if you are experiencing exhaustion or morning sickness. As hard as it is try to stick to your normal routine. If that’s not possible, go to easier pole dance classes or reduce the amount of your weekly classes, but keep on training! Moreover, bring plenty of snacks and allow yourself to snack in between classes and stay well hydrated. Take breaks if necessary.
It’s important to keep your body in shape; to maintain your posture and avoid back pains, exercise pelvic muscles and make the labor as easier as it can be. Also, to recover after the birth. Yet, if you have doubts or experience pain, speak with your doctor or midwife about it (don’t burden yourself with google answers). Everyone is different, but you should listen to your body and do whatever makes you feel comfortable“
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